Contact PetroTrace

PetroTrace is a global company. Our clients also work in numerous locations around the world. Please contact your closest office below, or if you have a general enquiry, then please contact the UK  or Egypt office. We look forward to hearing from you.

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PetroTrace London

PetroTrace Ltd
Dukes Court
UK, GU21 5BH

t: +44 (0)1483 662 421

PetroTrace Head Office London

    Your consent (to meet EU GDPR Legislative Requirements). We want you to know exactly how PetroTrace works and how we might use and protect your personal information. You can read our policies, terms and conditions here. You must agree to the Terms and Conditions before sending your information to us.

    I agree to the Terms and Conditions

    PetroTrace Cairo

    PetroTrace Geophysical
    Public Free Zone, Nasr City, Street 15, Arafa Building
    Cairo, Egypt

    t: +202 2270 4554

    f: +202 2270 4554

    m:+202 0102 458 3300